Friday, June 1, 2012

Update and 6/2/12 List

It's been almost two weeks that we have not been on high alert constantly.  My little erupting volcano seems to have calmed down.  I almost hate to say it.  We've been living with the volcano for years now.  That's what PDD-NOS has brought to us...until now.  Dare I hope that we are reaching the other side?  The new normal of occassional outbursts and meltdowns instead of constant screaming, throwing and hitting.  Either way I will trust God

The little tornado is also doing well.  Rather bored now that preschool is over for the year.  We are working on two things right now.  Less bossiness on his part and picking up toys when he is done with them.  My house is still a disaster but it's getting better.

My list for tomorrow is a fun/errand list:
  • Take The Volcano's IPad to Best Buy for service.
  • Go to Hobby Lobby to get a pattern for a dress shirt for The Tornado (I have some great Avengers fabric).
  • Buy a yummy latte at Starbucks and maybe sit for a bit and read.
  • Look at dishwashers and refrigerators (we are replacing our very old ones).
  • Come home and do laundry...okay not fun but still must be done.
Have a great weekend!!